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How to repot a container plant

How to repot a container plant

Here is how to repot a container plant perfectly to ensure it settles in well and thrives. When it is time to repot, which could be for various reasons, it is straightforward with just a few steps to ensure your plant doesn’t get damaged and is in the right size pot with good quality compost suitable for your specific plant. 

How to repot a container plant that is root bound 

Usually, the time you realise your plant needs repotting is because you have noticed it struggling and on inspection found it to be root bound. Some plants quite enjoy being root-bound, but the majority need space for their roots to expand and for the plant to thrive. Place the plant pot onto its side and gently tease out the root ball by manipulating the pot's outside and gently tapping the bottom.  

Before re-potting, it can help to tease the roots a little to encourage them to spread into the new pot.  This is particularly helpful if the plant has been root bound.  We also tend to scratch off the top layer as this tends to be where debris has collected.  In your new pot, place some good quality compost at the base until the top of the rootball - where the stem ends and the roots begin - remains at the same level in the pot.  Then fill in around the sides with more compost, firming it in as you go.  Tap the pot gently to ensure that the compost has settled down, sprinkle a little fresh compost on top to replace the top layer that you removed previously ensuring that you don't bury the stem and water in well.  

How to repot a container plant for indoors

If you need to repot a houseplant, the same applies mostly as above. Houseplants can very soon grow big enough to need a new pot, so we always recommend having some spare so you can get the job done as soon as needed. Ideally, pot them up when they are in active growth rather than over the winter months using a houseplant compost with great drainage. Special compost is also available for Cacti and Succulents. 

Remember to water and feed your repotted plants to help them settle in and thrive. Also, prune and deadhead, remove all damaged or diseased material. 

For pots, compost and plants for your home and garden, visit us in store or go to our online shop at  

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